Commitment to the Environment

Environmental conservation through corporate activities -
the eyes of a company that is gentle to people and the planet

Ozu Corporation’s mainstay products are those we have handled since our founding: paper, and nonwoven products made from natural fibers. Bemcot, for instance, is a nonwoven product we developed in-house that is gentle on the environment.

In 2002, we formulated an environmental slogan, set of basic principles, and environmental policy, which form the base of our employees’ efforts around specific themes such as promoting sales of “ecology products,” reducing resources used, and minimizing waste.

Environmental slogan

Basic principles

As a member of the international community, the Ozu Group endeavors to be gentle to people and the global environment. We seek to preserve the natural environment and protect resources in the course of all corporate activities, recognizing that global environment conservation is a universal challenge.

Environmental policy

While upholding our long tradition in washi, the Ozu Group today engages in the manufacturing and sales of not only traditional Japanese handmade paper but also Western machine-made paper and nonwoven products. Recognizing the impact of our business activities on the environment, we have formulated the environmental policy below as a guideline for all employees to make efforts toward conserving the global environment and protecting resources.

Promote “ecology products”

We make efforts to reduce our environmental footprint in the development and design stage of new products, and promote sales of products that are gentle on the environment (using recycled papers and nonwovens).

Reduce resources used

We strive to reduce resources and energy used and promote recycling in our business activities.

Minimize waste

We work to minimize waste and prevent pollution in our logistics and manufacturing activities.

Comply with environment-related regulations

We comply with national- and municipal-level laws and ordinances related to the environment, and environment-related matters agreed on with relevant organizations.

Disclose this environmental policy

We disseminate this environmental policy to all employees and disclose it outside the company.

Ozu Corporation’s Bemcot is a line of high-function wipes using Bemliese,* made of 100% cotton. The wipes can be burned without emitting dioxins, and are an “ecological product” gentle on the environment.
*Bemliese is a registered trademark of Asahi Kasei Corporation.

Environmental conservation through corporate activities -
the eyes of a company that is gentle to people and the planet

Below are examples of Ozu Corporation’s commitment to the environment. We aim to both conserve the environment and contribute to the community by participating as volunteers in activities organized by Tokyo’s Chuo City.

Machikado Green Day

Tokyo’s Chuo City designates Machikado Green Days, calling for residents to clean their neighborhood “street corners” (machikado). Ozu Corporation is a regular member and cleans the area around its office building.

Machikado Flower Bed Volunteer

Tokyo’s Chuo City calls for Machikado Flower Bed Volunteers to maintain and manage flower beds along the sidewalks. Ozu Corporation takes part in activities by replanting, watering, removing weeds from, and otherwise managing the seasonal plants in a designated area.